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The Make Meaning Podcast

Mar 1, 2024

Brenda Meller is an entrepreneur, author and social media coach who helps people maximize their presence on LinkedIn. She is the author of Social Media Pie: How to enjoy a bigger slice of the LinkedIn Pie and host of the Enthusiastically Self-Employed podcast.


In the latest episode of the Make Meaning Podcast, host Lynne Golodner interviews Brenda about her book and the evolution of her career. She talks about her writing process, including how she wrote the book in just 30 days, and why she opted to self-publish. They talk about the ever-evolving nature of social media, which demands periodic updates to the book along with plans for future books.


In this episode, Lynne and Brenda discuss: 

  • The story behind the book title

  • Her writing process and the power of writers conferences

  • Committing to daily writing

  • Creating a community-focused book with shoutouts to readers

  • Self-publishing with help 

  • Creating an audiobook 

  • The benefits of multiple book formats 

  • Working past retirement age


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