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The Make Meaning Podcast

Apr 7, 2023

Minda Zetlin has written columns for Inc. Magazine for more than a decade, and out of that research, reporting and curiosity grew the material and focus for her latest book, CAREER SELF-CARE.

The latest author to share her story on the Make Meaning Podcast, Minda Zetlin talks with host Lynne Golodner about how crucial membership in the American Society of Journalists and Authors has been for her career, how self-doubt and self-belief have been her biggest challenges, and how important it is to not just build a career, but build a life you’re happy to live.


In this episode, Lynne and Minda discuss: 

  • Writing a book while still contributing articles
  • Using what you have from your journalistic career to build a book directed by trends and reader interest
  • Finding the right agent, publisher and contract for each book
  • Keeping clients for a long time
  • Thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing your book
  • Being a solopreneur
  • Mentoring & sponsoring
  • Thinking about your writing career from a 20,000-foot perspective


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